Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Daydreaming of love

Its a lazy afternoon
The evening breeze is about to blow
I inhale calmly while daydreaming
Exhale nice a slow

I release inhabitions
I let go of fear
I touch the surface for solitude
And and this is what I hear...

The crys of my ancestors
The joys of my neice
The war in Iraq
The prayer for peace
The calmness of water
The chaos of wind
The love of each other
The shakles of disappointment
The dodgeball in the park
The burgers on the grill
The tracing of my history
The way love feels

The way love feels

Anything beyond love
I dont see or understand
I embrace my lazy afternoon
And dream about Egyptian sand
Tighten up
Let go
The world is constantly spinning
So I twirl in a field of flowers
As I learn to just let it flow


Fran said...

Hi Crayola!

I'm Fran, the admin of a group blog called "Ladies, Say What You Say!". One of my Blogger friends Deva found your blog and recommended your post "Detachment" to me. She is also the first to comment on that post. :o)

I wonder if it is okay for us to feature you in our group blog, with that post? I am going to add your name and link of your blog there, too!

Here is the link of our group blog "Ladies, Say What You Say!":

Have a great weekend!

Tigerlily said...

Yes I would love that Fran
Thank you-